Artist of the Month - November

Artist of the Month - November

It's time to celebrate inspiring artists with our November edition of the Artist of the Month blog. From oil painters to digital illustrators, this edition of our blog series is sure to get your creativity flowing. Whether you're an artist, an art lover, or just looking for some creative inspiration, this special blog is for you. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty and skill of our talented artists and explore the world of art with us.  

This month, we introduce you to Devon-based self-taught artist Izzy Webber, who works predominantly with oil paint, oil/soft pastel, and graphite pencil, creating stunning portraits and interior paintings. We've been in touch with Izzy to find out more about her and her craft...

Q. Where have you found inspiration lately?

A. I think that part of the joy of being an artist and thinking about art all the time, is I get to see beauty and inspiration everywhere! Lately I’ve been exploring interiors in my paintings, I am inspired just by sitting at home and observing how natural light can flood a room or stream across surfaces or how warm light from a lamp creates gorgeous shades of pink surrounding it.

Also, having started oil painting last year, I’ve been working with a fairly limited palette to simplify the learning process. I’ve been gradually expanding my palette and recently bought two new greens. Naturally, I am now noticing beautiful shades of green everywhere! I am on the hunt for the perfect green wall to shoot some portrait reference photos in front of.

Q. Is there a piece of art or a project you are particularly excited about right now?

A. I have always been so intrigued and excited by portraiture and now with my love for interiors, I am working on combining the two within my paintings; something that I’ve thought about for a long time but needed to first build skill and confidence to tackle.

Q. What kinds of tools or references do you like to use when creating artwork?

A. Behind every painting is an inspiration mood-board of images collected from Pinterest/instagram/galleries/books etc. As well as the main reference photo which I take myself. Using procreate to make a digital sketch/colour study has become an integral tool in my process too.

Q. What artists or artworks (from your life or history) do you admire or consider influential to your work and why?

A. To keep it short, the two main artists from history that I admire are John S. Sargent and Ramon Casas, it’s their soft edges, bold brushstrokes and simplification of detail that blows my mind every time I study their work (daily!) There are just so many modern artists that I admire but the first two that came to mind are Kelly Mogilka and Suchitra Bhosle. The way they use such expressive brushwork with absolute precision and intention is something that I’m always striving to achieve.

Q. What advice do you have for other new or aspiring artists?

A. Just keep making lots of art! The more work you make, not only should you improve your skills, but it’s the best way to understand yourself as an artist and what you like and dislike. Not every piece you do is going to work but I believe you can learn something every time… no matter how frustrating the process!

Q. Professionally, what has been your biggest achievement so far?

A. I recently launched my website and online shop, my first few sales of original work meant a lot to me. It’s a very surreal feeling to think that my art resonates with someone so much that they want to hang it in their home.

Q. What is your first memory of creating art?

A. I remember sitting at my Granny’s kitchen table using baking paper to trace every page of a picture book. I transferred the drawings onto paper, coloured them in and bound the sheets together, creating my own copy of the book! Actually I learnt a good lesson about how copying is a great tool to improve in art. I still do master studies when I want to get a deeper understanding of how an artist did something I like.

Q. How do you spend your time when you’re not creating artwork?

A. My biggest love (other than art) is Aerial silks, I dedicate a lot of time each week to stretching, strength training and practicing on the silks. It feels like dancing and flying at the same time and I love it! I also started ballet a couple of years ago just for fun and of course I enjoy meeting friends for coffee, live music, reading, visiting art galleries…

Q. What work do you most enjoy doing?

A. I love the beginning stage of oil painting. Sometimes I’ve spent weeks planning, thinking and dreaming about a piece and finally getting to express my vision onto the panel in big, messy strokes of flowing paint is a very exciting moment for me.

Q. What is your dream project?

A. I’ve got some work to do until I’d feel ready, but at some point in the future I would love to have a solo show!

It's been such an absolute pleasure getting to know the incredibly talented Izzy! From her breathtaking portraits to her passion for art, her work is an inspiration to us all. If you want to find out more about her and shop her amazing art, head on over to her website and Instagram. And don't forget to stay tuned for the final edition of our Artist of the Month blog in 2023 next month!

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